Hi! I’m Erin.

I’m an experienced podcast guesting professional with a Media & Communications degree, I’ll help you to amplify your voice & gain exciting traction for your business by getting you featured as a guest on aligned podcasts.

I believe that every entrepreneur, leader & coach has a fierce story to share along with expertise that creates a real impact.

My passion and focus is about getting leaders to share those stories & influential knowledge with the right audience so they can create positive change in the world whilst growing their businesses.

I haven’t always been a podcast guesting professional. Prior to this, I worked various jobs in customer service though I wasn’t using my creative & leadership skills in the way that I wanted to, I knew I had the potential but I struggled with self esteem. I stumbled upon business & personal development podcasts which inspired me to improve my self esteem & step into my leadership.

After a few years of working in customer service, I started a side hustle as I came across a golden freelance opportunity to become a “podcast pitcher”, where I pitched an entrepreneur to guest on podcasts so she could increase her visibility & as a byproduct, sell more spots for her online course.

Today, I work with resilient business owners eager to build authentic relationships with enthusiastic listeners to expand their reach and grow their clientele base.

I’ve booked guests onto the top 1% of podcast shows in the charts & also smaller niche shows with an engaged community. I can say with certainty that guesting on the right podcasts consistently will attract ideal clients, grow your email list and upgrade your reputation!